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Double Chin Surgery In Manhattan, New York

Double Chin can affect you at any age. The submental and subplatysmal fat contribute to an obtuse cervicomental angle and fat deposit underneath your chin resulting in a double chin appearance. Besides obesity, other factors such as genetics, metabolism, and unfavorable chin anatomy can result in a double chin.  If you are bothered by your double chin, consider a consultation from Dr. Singh, our expert plastic surgeon, based out of Manhattan, New York.

What is Double Chin Surgery?

Double chin surgery is a collection of cosmetic procedures that address and reduce the appearance of submental fullness. This condition can affect individuals of any age, resulting from genetics, weight fluctuations, aging, and lifestyle choices. Its persistence can lead to concerns over facial balance and aesthetics, prompting those to seek surgical options.

These procedures include liposuction, neck lift surgery, and a combination of lipo with RFAL technology. Each targets the submental area from different angles, tailored to the patient’s unique anatomy and desired outcome. Choosing between them depends on various factors, like the amount of unwanted fat, skin elasticity, and desired recovery time.

The procedures differ in their approaches, but the benefits remain mostly the same. They include a more defined facial profile, enhanced jawline, and a reduced appearance of double chin.

Double Chin Surgery in NYC

The 3 Approaches to Correct Double Chins

Based on patients’ needs and preferences, there are 3 versatile solutions to eliminate under-chin fat. Each one targets the double chin in different ways, allowing Dr. Singh to deeply customize the approach. Through a consultation, he provides more in-depth information, so you completely understand them and know what to expect.


Excessive fat beneath the chin and along the upper neck contributes to a less defined jawline and profile. For this reason, liposuction is a popular choice for those only experiencing excess adipose.

Dr. Singh begins with a small incision, either beneath the chin or behind the ears, and inserts a thin vacuum tube, called a “cannula.” He then uses the cannula sculpt the treatment area’s contours.

Neck Lift

Also known as “lower rhytidectomy,” it targets sagging skin, subcutaneous, and subplatysmal fat along the chin, jaw, and neck. This procedure is particularly suited for individuals experiencing moderate to severe skin laxity under the chin. It significantly rejuvenates the lower face, which is not achievable through just liposuction or injectables.

Dr. Singh’s approach to lower rhytidectomy is meticulous and highly personalized, ensuring long-lasting and natural-appearing results. He begins by making incisions in areas that allow him to hide future scarring. Typically, he places them behind the ears and under the chin. Then he tightens the underlying muscles, which addresses the root causes of double chin and “turkey neck.”

Chin Lipo with FaceTite

For a sculpted chin, Dr. Singh offers a combination of procedures that address subcutaneous fat and skin laxity. Using chin lipo and FaceTite, he removes excess fat on the face and neck, while tightening skin. Liposuction alone cannot create as dramatic of results.

Chin liposuction, on its own, permanently removes subcutaneous fat. When paired with FaceTite’s Radio-Frequency technology, Dr. Singh can also create a more youthful look. This approach tightens the skin and further refines the contour of the neck and jawline. He recommends it for patients who exhibit loose, saggy skin alongside stubborn fat

What to Expect from Double Chin Surgery

This procedure can significantly transform one’s appearance, providing a contoured and aesthetically pleasing jawline and neck area. A more defined chin profile enhances facial harmony, especially when compared with other facial features, like the nose.

The specific results that patients can achieve vary depending on the chosen approach. But they generally achieve the same goals:

  • Reduction in submental fat
  • Enhanced jawline definition
  • Improved neck contour
  • Tighter, more youthful looking skin
  • Increased self-confidence

Each approach comes with its own set of expectations and recovery times. With liposuction and neck lifting, recovery is typically brief, while injectable treatments involve minimal to no downtime.

Recovery Following Your Double Chin Surgery

The time required for recovery differs between the operations.

  • For liposuction, patients can expect to recover for around 1 week. During this time, mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising may occur, but a compression garment should help.
  • In contrast, recovering from a neck lift surgery will require more time, upwards of 2 to 3 weeks. Pain-relief medication can help with swelling and bruising, which are more pronounced and may last several weeks.

While your wounds are healing, Dr. Singh stresses the importance of avoiding strenuous physical activities. You should be resting, with your head elevated to reduce swelling. Patients typically need a few weeks before they can return to work.

For help with managing pain and discomfort, Dr. Singh may prescribe medication. He also advises using over-the-counter medication, for its efficacy and ease of access.

Am I a Good Double Chin Candidate?

Starting with the basics, a good candidate is currently experiencing moderate to severe submental fullness beneath the chin. Potential patients should also be in good health and not actively smoking, because it can hinder the recovery. They should also be at a stable weight, not experiencing any large fluctuations. Dr. Singh also recommends that candidates understand the procedures and their potential outcomes.

To further determine your candidacy for the treatments, it’s best to directly consult a trusted plastic surgeon.

How to Schedule a Consultation

In an initial meeting with Dr. Mansher Singh, patients will become knowledgeable on the procedures and their potential results. He will discuss your personal aesthetic goals, evaluate the chin and neck area, and determine the most effective approach.

Dr. Singh distinguishes himself with his personalized approach, ensuring he helps everyone achieve their unique needs and goals. His world-class training and extensive experience in facial cosmetic surgery allow him to reach the desired results. With commitment to care, education, and safety, he is the right choice.

Scheduling a consultation and learning more starts by calling Dr. Singh’s practice at (212) 470-4020.

Before and After Double Chin Surgery Patient Photos

double chin surgery patient before and after photo
double chin surgery patient before and after photo side profile

Double Chin Surgery FAQ

How does Dr. Singh determine the treatment?

Choosing the right approach involves a personalized consultation. Here, he will evaluate your facial anatomy, skin elasticity, and cosmetic goals. After considering your health and lifestyle, he can recommend the best approach for a balanced and natural-looking appearance.

Will my scars be visible?

For liposuction and neck lifts, Dr. Singh strategically places incisions in less visible areas. These areas include under the chin or behind the ears. Once fully healed, scars are generally hard to notice.

How long is the recovery period?

The recovery period varies by treatment. Being invasive surgeries, liposuction and neck lifts typically require 1 to 2 weeks. Though, some restrictions last up to a month. Injectables have minimal downtime, often requiring just a few days for swelling to subside.

How much does this procedure cost?

The cost varies based on the chosen procedure and the complexity of your case. Prices also depend on the surgeon’s experience, geographic location, and any additional fees (like anesthesia). With no singular answer, it’s best to consult with your surgeon for a precise estimate.

How painful is double chin surgery?

Depending on the procedure and an individual’s pain tolerance, discomfort varies. Invasive surgeries will be more uncomfortable, but prescribed medication can help subside any side effects. With injectables, patients report minimal pain and a slight burning sensation that subsides quickly.

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