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Liposuction in New York, NY

Do you have unwanted fat pockets that won’t go away despite a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise? Have you consider Liposuction? Almost any area in your body can be addressed with Liposuction. It is a surgical procedure that will help you get the desired body shape and may boost your self-confidence. If you are considering Liposuction, count on Dr. Mansher Singh, the expert on Liposuction based out of Manhattan, New York.

Best Female Body after Liposuction

What is Liposuction?

Vacuuming adipose deposits, Dr. Singh can sculpt bodily contours that align more with your personal aesthetic goals. While not a weight-loss solution, liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that removes and reduces unwanted fat. Addressing stubborn fat that resists exercise and diet, makes it an appealing and easily accessible option for many.

What can Liposuction help with?

While excess adipose can form almost anywhere, it often affects the following:

  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Arms
  • Neck

Many who undergo this treatment complain about accumulated fat, causing a protruding stomach. Frequent concerns also include the stomach, thighs, hips, buttocks, and back. Sculpting these areas provides a more desirable and proportional figure, enhancing curves and reducing unwanted bulges.

The procedure can also refine smaller zones, like the upper arms, which can be toned and tightened. The neck and lower half of the face are also popular spots, to eliminate double chin or define the jawline. Commonly overlooked are the knees and ankles, which patients can choose to contour and reshape, for harmonious proportions.

How Gender Affects the Surgery

One question that Dr. Singh often receives is “Can men benefit from it too?” The simple answer is yes, but the approach and amount of fat removed can differ. The surgery goes beyond gender and can provide desired results to both men and women.

For women, Dr. Singh focuses on accentuating the waistline, reducing the appearance of “muffin top,” and defining the legs. He also targets spots where adipose tissue tends to accumulate and persist, such as the stomach, thighs, hips, and arms. The primary goal is to improve contours while maintaining a feminine and natural appearance.

Additionally, it’s not uncommon for women to pair liposuction with other procedures, like breast augmentation or tummy tucks. This combination provides more comprehensive rejuvenation known as a “mommy makeover.”

Male Liposuction

Dr. Singh tailors the approach to preserve the masculine figure and profile. The main focus is on reducing adipose while considering the natural musculature and body structure of each individual. He also aims to create or accentuate a V-shaped torso, emphasizing broad shoulders and a narrow waist.

Men typically seek a more defined and sculpted physique, asking for improvement in other bodily areas. Notably, these are the love handles and abdomen, to achieve or enhance a “six-pack look”. Another concern is gynecomastia — excessive chest fat that fitness alone cannot resolve — which lipo addresses. For many men, double chin and an undefined jawline are also of great concern.

Addressing these areas easily contributes to a more youthful and athletic appearance.

Dr. Singh’s Approach to Liposuction

Through consultation, Dr. Singh can assess a patient’s unique needs and goals regarding the surgery. By evaluating their body composition, he can recommend the best approach for their case.

Beginning the session, he marks the sections for treatment. Depending on the patient, he may employ local or general anesthesia. He then carefully makes incisions along the natural creases of the skin, so future scarring is discreet and concealable. Utilizing a special tumescent fluid, he minimizes discomfort and swelling.

Using the “SAFE” (Separation, Aspiration, and Fat Equalization) process he ensures smooth, even results with minimal risk of irregularity.

Recovery Following a Session

Post-operation, expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated areas. This generally subsides over the first few weeks, but patients can wear a compression garment to manage it. This helps reduce swelling and supports new contours.

Dr. Singh advises taking it easy and avoiding strenuous activities, especially during the early phase of healing. Most people can return to work and routines within 1-2 weeks, depending on the extent of their procedure. However, they should wait around 6 weeks (or until Dr. Singh approves) before attempting heavy lifting and vigorous exercise.

Pain medication, including prescribed or over-the-counter, can assist with discomfort during this period.

Scheduling Your Liposuction Consultation

Those interested in liposuction should entrust a surgeon with exceptional education, surgical skills, and a track record of satisfied patients. Dr. Mansher Singh embodies these qualities, distinguishing him as the best choice for your aesthetic goals. With innovative techniques and meticulous approaches, he is committed to achieving desirable, natural-looking results.

Consider a one-on-one consultation, where Dr. Singh will evaluate your body’s condition and desired outcome. After assessing the details, he will then determine the best treatment plan regarding your individual needs. To learn more or schedule a meeting, you can call his Manhattan office at (212) 470-4020 for information.

Liposuction Before and After Patient Photos

Before and After Liposuction patient Photo - Front View
Best Liposuction Before and After Photos NYC

FAQ About Liposuction

Is this procedure right for me?

Candidacy for this surgery involves considering your health status, aesthetic or functional concerns, and the specific treatment areas. Ideal candidates are generally near their target weight; have youthful, elastic skin; and possess stubborn localized fat deposits. They also have realistic expectations about the potential outcomes this procedure can provide.

Consulting a qualified plastic surgeon, like Dr. Singh, will provide you with a personalized assessment and advice.

Is the operation painful?

Dr. Singh administers different types of anesthesia. These keep the patient from feeling discomfort during the procedure. The kind can vary from general to local with intravenous sedation. However, the patient’s specific requirements will determine the selection.

What is the recovery process like?

The healing process after liposuction usually requires a phase of relaxation, then slowly resuming regular tasks. At first, individuals might encounter mild discomfort, bruising, and swelling. You can control these adverse effects with medication (prescribed or over the counter) and by wearing a compression garment.

After just a few days to a week, most feel fine enough to return to work and daily activities. Dr. Singh emphasizes avoiding laborious activities, like heavy lifting, for a few weeks. This ensures your incisions have enough time to heal and the results remain optimal.

Will my scars fade?

The surgical scars from this procedure are typically minor and will gradually diminish, becoming less noticeable over time. Dr. Singh also strategically places the incisions in inconspicuous areas. This reduces their visibility, and underwear makes it easy to completely conceal. With proper care and enough time, they should become inconspicuous and easily concealable with underwear and swimwear.

While recovering, your surgeon will provide care instructions, including recommended treatments or products to aid in healing. Everyone heals at different rates, but most find their scars become significantly less noticeable within several months.

Is this part of a “mommy makeover”?

Liposuction frequently plays a crucial role in this set of surgical procedures. Together, they address several concerns regarding a woman’s physique after aging and giving birth. It encompasses operations like tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and BBL, to achieve a more rejuvenated appearance.

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