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Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) in NYC

Rhinoplasty with Dr. Mansher Singh

Discover a transformative journey with Dr. Mansher Singh, an expert NYC surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job.” Dr. Singh combines aesthetic refinement with functional improvements, tailoring each procedure to meet individual needs. Explore the nuances of rhinoplasty, including the choice between open and closed techniques, the recovery process, and considerations for prospective candidates. Begin your path to a more refined and balanced nasal appearance with a personalized consultation at Dr. Singh’s Manhattan office.

Rhinoplasty Table of Content

What is a Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, commonly called a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose to improve appearance or function. This versatile surgery can alter the nose’s size, shape, and proportions to correct various cosmetic and functional concerns. Dr. Singh can refine nasal contours, adjust the bridge or tip, reduce, or increase size, and correct asymmetry. Being the center of the face, its appearance directly affects facial harmony.

Rhinoplasty also offers solutions for functional issues, such as a deviated septum, nasal polyps, and enlarged turbinates.

What a Rhinoplasty Can Address

Patients undergo rhinoplasty for various reasons. It could be to correct anatomic deviations or to improve their aesthetics. This plastic surgery is a highly individualized process, that address a wide range of concerns, such as:
  • Size Adjustments: Resizing the nose for better proportions with other facial features.
  • Shape Corrections: Altering the bridge, tip, or nostrils for a more desired appearance.
  • Symmetry: Correcting deviations or asymmetry for a more balanced look.
  • Structural Concerns: Repairing a broken nose or correcting congenital defects.
  • Functional Improvements: Enhancing breathing by rectifying issues like a deviated nasal septum.
By making precise modifications to the nasal structure, Dr. Singh can directly solve these concerns. He believes that rhinoplasty is not one-size-fits-all, and tailors each procedure to meet the patient’s unique needs and goals. With his expertise, the results appear natural and harmonize with the patient’s facial features.
Attractive Woman Smiling with a Perfect Nose

How Dr. Singh Performs Nose Jobs

Dr. Singh performs rhinoplasty with meticulous care, tailored to each patient’s unique facial structure and specific goals. The procedure begins with a detailed consultation to understand the patient’s desires and to outline the achievable outcomes. The two approaches to rhinoplasty are open and closed. Dr. Singh can employ either technique, depending on the complexity of the case and the alterations required.

In an open rhinoplasty, Dr. Singh makes a small incision across the columella (the tissue between the nostrils). This allows him extensive access to the nasal structure, where he can begin adjusting. Many surgeons prefer this approach because of the access it provides to the treatment area. The main downside is that scarring is more likely to be visible than a closed approach.

In closed rhinoplasty, Dr. Singh creates the incisions within the nostrils, which will conceal any future scarring. This approach is more difficult for the surgeon to perform, and he prefers it only for making minor adjustments.

Throughout the surgery, Dr. Singh reshapes the nasal structure by adjusting the bone and cartilage. This may involve removing or adding, to achieve the desired size and shape of the nose. When adding additional support, he may utilize grafts from the patient’s own cartilage or bone.

Closed vs. Open Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty procedures fall into two main techniques: closed and open rhinoplasty. The choice between these methods depends on some factors. These can include the individual’s specific needs, the complexity of the corrections required, and the surgeon’s preference.

Open Rhinoplasty

In an open rhinoplasty, Dr. Singh creates an incision across the columella. This provides superior vision and access to the underlying bone and cartilage he will be addressing. This is particularly effective for more complex cases. To name a few: reshaping the nasal tip, correcting severe asymmetry, or reconstructing the nose after an injury.

Patients often choose an “open” approach for its ability to make substantial aesthetic and functional corrections. Dr. Singh often recommends it for patients who require extensive corrections.


  • Allows for greater visibility and access, for the surgeon.
  • Ideal for complex or extensive nasal reshaping and changes.
  • Enables detailed corrections to the nasal tip and overall structure.


  • Results in a small, but somewhat-visible, scar on the columella.
  • Longer recovery period because of its more invasive nature.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty is a less invasive surgical approach to reshaping the nose. In this approach, Dr. Singh creates incisions within the nostrils, which hide scarring and provide a shorter recovery. The “closed” approach is ideal for patients who only require minor adjustments. This can include simply refining the nasal bridge or tip.


  • No visible scarring.
  • A generally shorter recovery period.
  • Reduced post-operative swelling and discomfort.


  • Limited access to nasal structures, which may not be suitable for complex cases.
  • Less visibility for the surgeon, potentially making intricate adjustments more challenging.
  • May not address more significant structural or aesthetic concerns effectively.

The Recovery Process

Recovery from rhinoplasty is a gradual process, with the initial phase focusing on rest and minimizing swelling. To protect and maintain the results, Dr. Singh may place a cast on the nose, after surgery. Patients should also keep their heads elevated, to reduce swelling. While discomfort is manageable with prescribed medication, he advises patients to avoid strenuous activity.

The first week is crucial for monitoring the healing process, with a follow-up visit to remove splits or stitches. Most patients feel comfortable returning to work and daily activities after 2 to 3 weeks. The results may require up to a year to fully become noticeable.

Scheduling Your Rhinoplasty Consultation

Your ideal rhinoplasty begins with scheduling a consultation with Dr. Mansher Singh, a board-certified surgeon in NYC. This meeting will allow you to discuss your goals, needs, and the right approach. For patients, it’s important to choose a qualified plastic surgeon who has expertise in this field.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Singh, call his Manhattan office at (212) 470-4020.

If surgery is not something you are considering but are not ready to do, check out Dr. Singh’s non-surgical rhinoplasty options.

Rhinoplasty FAQ

How much does a nose job cost?

The cost varies based on factors such as the surgeon’s experience, geographic location, and the specific technique used. Additional fees can include anesthesia, operating room facilities, and post-operative care. To learn the precise cost, it’s best to consult directly with your chosen surgeon.

How long does it take to recover?

It typically takes 1 to 2 weeks for visible swelling and bruising to subside. At this point, most patients feel fine enough to return to work and normal activities. However, minor swelling may persist for a few months, and the nose’s final shape can take a year to fully set. Dr. Singh encourages patients to follow his post-op care instructions, for a smooth and successful healing process.

How long will my results last?

The results of a rhinoplasty are permanent. While the nose will naturally change as you age, the improvements made during the surgery will last a lifetime. Patients should maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow their surgeon’s care instructions to ensure the longevity of their results.

Am I a good candidate?

Good candidates for rhinoplasty seek to improve their nose’s appearance or function. They should be in good overall health, have realistic expectations about the outcomes, and not smoke. Those with structural issues causing breathing difficulties or dissatisfaction with their nose’s size, shape, or symmetry may also benefit. During a consultation, discuss your goals and medical history with a qualified surgeon to determine your suitability.
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