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Tummy Tuck In Manhattan, New York

What Is A Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty, commonly called “tummy tuck,” is a cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates the stomach region. Removing excess skin and fat and tightening abdominal wall muscles, it remedies post-pregnancy changes and signs of aging. Typically, patients undergo this surgery when diet and exercise alone seem to have no effect.

For those with less-extensive needs, ‘mini abdominoplasty’ offers a less invasive option. This procedure specifically targets the lower stomach, below the belly button. Primarily, it benefits those with concerns concentrated in the lower abdomen, or who require only minimal enhancement.

Young Womans Toned Torso and Flat Tummy

What Can an Abdominoplasty Address?

The surgery addresses a range of concerns that contribute to an unsatisfactory profile. Mainly, it removes excess fat and skin in the mid and lower abdomen, significantly improving the area’s appearance.

Diastasis recti and overly stretched skin (from pregnancy or weight change) are common reasons for undergoing a tummy tuck.

Beyond this, abdominoplasty can create and refine contours, creating a more toned, defined, and overall youthful appearance. It can also rejuvenate the entire midsection by subtly altering the shape and position of the belly button.

By tightening the stomach’s muscles, the procedure can indirectly improve posture in some cases. It may also alleviate back pain related to weak core muscles and ‘diastasis recti.’

The cumulative effect of these corrections contributes to an aesthetically pleasing and functional stomach region, boosting confidence and comfort.

These are the most basic concerns that it can correct:

  • Excess abdominal skin and fat
  • Corrects diastasis recti and strengthens the core
  • Can enhance contours and improve posture

Types of Tummy Tuck

Each patient has unique needs and goals, which is why several approaches to the procedure exist: full, mini, and extended. Each of these addresses specific concerns related to the abdomen’s appearance.

Full Tummy Tuck

A full abdominoplasty is ideal for individuals looking to address several concerns simultaneously. These include removing excess skin, tightening weakened or separated abdominal muscles, and reducing stubborn fat deposits. Dramatically improving the stomach’s contours, it provides a smoother and firmer profile. Those who have undergone significant weight loss or women who have had multiple pregnancies stand to benefit most.

Mini Abdominoplasty

For those with less extensive concerns, a mini tuck focuses on improving the lower abdomen, under the belly button. Commonly, these include “pooch”, slight excess skin, or minor muscle laxity that persists despite a healthy lifestyle. The surgery involves shorter incisions and less recovery time, making it an appealing option for those seeking subtler enhancements. Localized to the lower abdomen, it does not address concerns above the navel or significantly separated muscles.

Extended Tuck

Individuals requiring more comprehensive contouring, after significant weight loss or multiple pregnancies, will benefit most from an extended tummy tuck. It extends beyond the traditional approach, to target laxity and excess skin around the flanks and lower back. By improving harmony along the body, an extended tuck provides a more dramatic transformation. Typically, patients undergo this surgery for a smoother, tighter, and more defined waistline, following large weight fluctuation.

How Dr. Singh Performs This Surgery

It all starts with a consultation, where Dr. Singh evaluates goals and concerns, and recommends the best approach. During this initial meeting, he thoroughly explains the procedure and discusses expected outcomes, potential risks, and the recovery process. He assesses the abdomen’s skin, fat, and muscle to determine the most effective surgical plan for each patient’s needs.

On the day of the surgery, Dr. Singh starts by marking the abdomen to outline the treatment area. After administering anesthesia (either general or local with IV sedation), he begins placing incisions. Since there are multiple approaches to this procedure, the placement varies. However, he strives to make them in discreet areas, easily concealable beneath underwear or swimwear.

Once he has made the incisions, he tightens the abdominal muscles by suturing them together. Importantly, this corrects diastasis recti, which is a common concern among women who have had pregnancies. He also removes adipose to refine the body’s contours, and then stretches the skin, tight. To further create a more youthful appearance, he also reshapes and repositions the belly button.

Finally, he closes the incisions with sutures and places drains if necessary. To support the results, he wraps the stomach with a compression garment.

The Recovery Process for Abdominoplasty

Tummy tuck recovery is a gradual process, with patients commonly experiencing mild swelling, bruising, and discomfort for 2-3 weeks. To manage these side effects, Dr. Singh commonly prescribes pain-relief medication. He also instructs patients to wear a compression garment, which helps reduce swelling and supports the results. In most cases, patients should wear it for several weeks post-op.

The first few weeks are crucial for recovery. In which, Dr. Singh encourages patients to take short, gentle walks to promote blood circulation. Most can return to work and light activities within 2-3 weeks, depending on the extent of their procedure. Although, they should avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks after the surgery.

It may take several months for results to become completely apparent, as swelling subsides, and the tissues settle. Following your surgeon’s advice and care instructions is essential for a smooth recovery and achieving the desired aesthetic outcome.

Consulting a Trusted Plastic Surgeon

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is a critical step in achieving your unique goals. Dr. Mansher Singh stands out in the field for his world-class training and personalized approach to patient care. His education and fellowships under world-renowned practices make him a trusted choice for tummy tuck surgery.

If considering abdominoplasty with Dr. Singh, call his NYC office at (212) 470-4020 to schedule a consultation. Alternatively, you can visit his website for more information about the surgery.

Tummy Tuck Before and After Photos

Before and After Tummy Tuck Patient Photos
Best Tummy Tuck Patient Photos NYC

Tummy Tuck FAQ

How does it compare to liposuction?

Tummy tuck mainly tightens the abdominal muscles, for a smoother and firmer profile. It benefits those with sagging skin or stretched muscles caused by pregnancy or significant weight changes. Liposuction, on the other hand, removes fat but doesn’t tighten the skin or repair the muscles.

What procedures can I pair it with?

Surgeons often include abdominoplasty in “mommy makeover,” a series of surgical procedures that restore youthfulness to the body. Patients also commonly pair it with breast lift or augmentation, liposuction, and thigh lift for a more comprehensive transformation. Before combining procedures, it’s important to consult with Dr. Singh to determine the safest and most effective approach.

Will my Tummy tuck scars be visible?

Dr. Singh is skilled at minimizing and strategically placing incisions to make them as discreet as possible. He places the main incision low on the stomach, where patients can easily hide it with underwear or bikinis. While scars are permanent, they also tend to fade and flatten with time, becoming less noticeable. Proper post-operative care can further help in reducing their appearance.

Does insurance cover the procedure?

The cost of the surgery can vary widely, depending on location, the surgeon’s experience, and its complexity. It can also change with additional procedures, anesthesia, operating room facilities, and other associated costs. Being cosmetic surgery, insurance typically does not cover it, unless it is medically necessary. This can include repairing a hernia or addressing issues from significant weight loss that cause functional problems.

Each insurance policy differs, so potential patients should check with their provider. For accurate information regarding the cost of the surgery, consult with your insurance company and Dr. Singh’s office.

How long until I can return to work after a tummy tuck?

Following abdominoplasty, most patients can return to work within 2-3 weeks, depending on their surgery’s specifics and complexity. Jobs that require minimal physical activity may allow for an earlier return. Though, jobs involving heavy lifting or strenuous activity may require more recovery time. Dr. Singh emphasizes the importance of individualized recovery plans and recommends a gradual return to normal activities.

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